Stan, the Te-Rex, is quite impressive as you walk into the main foyer. Unlike the Te-Rex is Chicago, Sue, Stan is right on the floor eye-level. Easy to see and take pictures. I was almost tempted to touch him.
It is a kid’s friendly museum. Also, there are a number of movies one could add on to a ticket. For a family visiting, this could be expensive.

Not an overtly large museum, it is easy to understand the flow of all the exhibits. We enjoyed the “computer display” of the history of computers.
Little did we know that Bill Gates was actually working in Albuquerque in his younger years with the Altair computers.
More dinosaurs are upstairs. I did notice that a number of these displays were largely recreated using just a few of the original bones that were found.
A section devoted to when New Mexico was a “sea” is quite interesting.
As with most museums there is plenty to read. But, the Albuquerque Natural History Museum does put forth an effort to visually affect you with displays. There is something in this museum that will “grab” your attention. Overall, we felt our time here was worthwhile, interesting and educational.

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