This Museum is easy to find as it is on “Central Avenue” in the heart of Los Alamos. There are a number of elaborate colorful displays with the development of the atomic bomb and energy. Some of these displays would be difficult for kids to understand. You could spend a day here and not read everything.

There are replicas of “Little Boy” and “Fat Man.” A large display is dedicated to why we dropped bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The question on “why” we dropped these bombs will always remain.

There are two movies that can be seen at this time. We decided to see the “Technology” movie about why Los Alamos is important. It was more like a propaganda film on why over two billion dollars a year are continued to be spent at Los Alamos. The film to see is the “History” about the atomic bomb.

When I first saw this Museum, I thought it was dedicated to Ray Bradbury, the Sci-fi writer. But, it is actually named for Norris E. Bradbury, a director for the Los Alamos Laboratory from 1945-1970.

This museum is probably the closest you will get to the Los Alamos Laboratory as it is highly restricted area. If you travel to White Rock Canyon Visitors center to catch the tram to Bandelier National Monument, you can get a glimpse of the facility.
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