American International Rattlesnake Museum–Albuquerque, NM

Don’t let the name scare you off!
R 10
5 of 5 stars

I was surprised my wife wanted to visit this museum with me. It is a small museum, but interesting nonetheless. Located right in Old Town Albuquerque, it is easy to find.


There are, indeed, a number of rattlesnakes to view. There is one albino rattlesnake, but the original “Marilyn” has since died.

R 3
The original “Marilyn” has passed on.

There are other snakes and skeleton heads of Alligators and other potpourri items to view.

R 9
There is a collection of various reptiles in the museum.

We found the on-going TV documentaries interesting. David Attenborough’s narrates a series of films though BBC’s Natural History. We watched one regarding reptiles on the Galapagos Islands and another on various snakes around the world.

If you have time and not too skirmish about snakes, this is a unique, “one of a kind” type of natural history museum, small as it is.

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