Having visited Oahu five times, we always by-passed this “tourist” destination. In our most recent trip we were in a gallery in Lahaina, Maui, when we were amazed at a photo of these surreal looking trees, known as the Rainbow Eucalyptus. They are also nicknamed the “painted trees.” There are several groves in Hawaii: one on the road to Hana and the other grove is at the Dole Plantation on Oahu.

The Rainbow Eucalyptus is mainly from the Philippines and can reach over 200 feet high. The term “painted” comes from the colorful rare bark, something you don’t see back home.

When you first come into the Dole parking area, there they stand! The Rainbow Eucalyptus is easy to miss as you are concentrating on Dole’s Plantation looking building.

Several of the Rainbow Eucalyptus are planted inside the Dole garden as well, an area which is “free” to walk around. They do sell tickets for plantation tours, a train ride and “The World’s Largest” maze.
The Dole Plantation shop is quite extensive centered on the pineapple theme. The bathrooms, the store and a large garden are free though.

If you are remotely interested in seeing a different part of the bio-diversity of Mother Nature in Hawaii, this is a unique place. And we thought there were only pineapples!